Universal design principles allow hospitals, nursing homes and rehabilitation centers to provide facilities for patients and their caregivers that offer an improved quality of life, use, and safety throughout the premises. Designing accessible bathrooms and showers is just one of many components involved with adapting universal design elements to entire campuses.
A universal shower design first eliminates the barrier of the shower area to the rest of the bathroom, providing a safer entry and exit to the bathing area. Inside the shower, the single pitch shower floor maximizes safety considerations by providing a stable surface for all healthcare patients and their caregivers to perform necessary daily routines. The single pitch shower floor proves particularly helpful for patients with wheelchairs and/or walkers.
The proprietary design of LUXE wedgewire grates provides hydraulic function that is unsurpassed, making them an optimal choice when separating wet areas from dry. All LUXE Linear Drains are compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act. The ADA Accessibility Guidelines for Buildings and Facilities Section 4.5.4 specifies that ground and floor grates “shall have spaces no greater than 1/2 in (13 mm) wide in one direction.” We are pleased to provide grates that comply with these requirements so no individual is limited from accessing the area safely and confidently.